This presentation aims to shed light on how this feature could enhance user experience and bring back fond memories of the past.
Nostalgia is a complex emotion that has been the subject of research in various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and social science. Here are some highlights on the topic of nostalgia:

- Nostalgia is a common experience around the world, including in children as young as 7.
- Most people report experiencing nostalgia at least once a week, and nearly half experience it three or four times a week.
- Nostalgia serves a crucial existential function. It brings to mind cherished experiences that assure us we are valued people who have meaningful lives.
- Nostalgia is a self-regulatory existential resource that people naturally and frequently use to navigate stress and uncertainty and find the motivation needed to move forward with purpose and focus.
- Nostalgia can increase our sense of well-being, boost inspiration and creativity, make us feel more youthful, alert, optimistic, and energetic, and even encourage us to take risks and pursue our goals.
- Nostalgia can counteract loneliness, boredom, and anxiety. It makes people more generous to strangers and more tolerant of outsiders.
- Nostalgia can be especially effective at raising happiness, self-esteem, optimism, and social connectedness when triggered by sensory stimuli such as scent.

Overall, research suggests that nostalgia is a powerful emotion that can have both positive and negative effects on individuals and society. It can serve as a psychological resource for coping with stress and uncertainty, but it's important to be mindful of how it shapes our perceptions of the past and present.


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