Opiod Overdose Death Rates in the United States

The dataset "Drug overdose death" on Kaggle is a collection of data related to drug overdose deaths. It provides information on the number of drug overdose deaths, including details on the specific drugs involved and the demographics of the affected population.
Source: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/willianoliveiragibin/drug-overdose-death
Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates for ADB's developing member countries. Figures and forecasts are as of ADB's Asian Development Outlook Update (ADO) 2023, released in September 2023. Note: The newly industrialized economies are Hong Kong, China, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Taipei,China.
Source: kaggle.com/datasets/zsinghrahulk/asian-countries-gdp-growth


Video Game Sales and Ratings
Video game sales data from VGChartz with corresponding ratings from Metacritic
This data set contains a list of video games with sales greater than 100,000 copies along with critic and user ratings. It is a combined web scrape from VGChartz and Metacritic along with manually entered year of release values for most games with a missing year of release. The original coding was created by Rush Kirubi and can be found here, but it limited the data to only include a subset of video game platforms. Not all of the listed video games have information on Metacritic, so there data set does have missing values.
Northern Hemisphere Monthly Temperature 1880-2022
The basic GISS temperature analysis scheme was defined in the late 1970s by James Hansen when a method of estimating global temperature change was needed for comparison with one-dimensional global climate models.

Monthly Highway Traffic
This dataset reports the historical National Highway System 50th percentile median speeds for various roadway types, months, and vehicles on US roads. Data collected by Department of Transportation.

World Government Summit
I participated in the World Government Summits 2023 Data Visualization challenge. The data set was provided by the WGS with the topic of What Just Happened? A data set that focused on the different metrics over a 10 year period.
My area of focus for this challenge was interactive.

Cyber Security Dashboard
This prototype was a solo project that kick started my interests into the world of data visualization. My focus was cyber security and how a monitor dashboard could be conceptualized for users to maintain safety operations.

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